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Setup an SFTP Server w/ Group Access on Ubuntu

This is a short guide to setup a chrooted SFTP user group and server on Ubuntu. It has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 but should work with 14 and 18.

Create a New User and New SFTP Group

Let’s start by logging in as root,

% sudo -s

Add a user,

% adduser <username>

You will be prompted for a password. This will allow access to the server via password authentication.

Create an SFTP group,

% groupadd sftpusers

Now let’s add our user to the group,

% usermod -a -G sftpusers <username>

Create Directories and Lock Down File System

Create directories to where file sharing will occur. We want to prevent our SFTP users from being able to access the rest of our file system so we will restrict the user to a single folder.

I like to create a root /sftp folder and have that be the chrooted directory.

% mkdir /sftp

Most of the time we need an incoming and an outgoing folder for files.

% mkdir /sftp/shared
% mkdir /sftp/shared/incoming
% mkdir /sftp/shared/outgoing

If this SFTP will be multipurpose, you may want to add additional folders in the incoming and outgoing to folders, fore example products and orders.

First we will restrict the writing to sftp to only the folder owner,

% chmod 755 /sftp

Let’s make sure root owns the sftp folder,

% chown root:root /sftp

Now we need to give our SFTP users access to the shared folder and subfolders through our group.

% chown root:sftpusers -R /sftp/shared

We still need to allow our SFTP users to write to the incoming folders,

% chown <username>:sftpusers -R /sftp/shared/incoming/

SSH Config and Locking Down the SFTP Users

Lets edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config,

Pay close attention to the file name and the sshd_config.

% vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the section with Subsystem sftp /var/lib/openssh/sftp-server and comment it out, i.e. #Subsystem sftp /var/lib/openssh/sftp-server.

Add the line below the commented out line,

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Head to the bottom of the file and add the following lines,

Match Group sftpusers
ChrootDirectory /sftp
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
AllowAgentForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
PasswordAuthentication yes

Save and exit.

Restart the SSH Server

% /etc/init.d/ssh restart

That’s it, you should now be able to sftp to the server using the username and password you created.

% sftp username@server.ip.address
/> password:

sftp >